Living and Leading with Deep Integrity
“Leadership is not about changing yourself, it’s about coming home
to yourself - and that changes everything.”
Dr John J Scherer, LDI founder
Dear Friends and Clients,
Covid 19 is prompting many of us to get out of our comfort zones - including the team at LDINZ!
Whilst face to face workshops and coaching are on hold til further notice, we are still available for online coaching with individuals, and custom work with teams. Plus we have two brand new offerings to help you make the most of this precious time for deep reflection and self development.
Envisioning the New Normal is a series of interviews with thought leaders from New Zealand and abroad about their vision for a more sustainable future, and how to achieve that. The interviews will be uploaded every 3-7 days to YouTube, and various podcast platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
EDI - Executive Development Intensive. This is a first class personal and professional development experience delivered online, one-to-one, as a series of eight 2.5 hour coaching sessions. Developed by Dr. John Scherer, and delivered by Robyn Wynne-Lewis, the EDI is an individual deep dive that focuses on you, and you alone. In this intensive experience you will develop profound ways to master yourself and deepen your practice as a leader. The sessions can be spaced to suit you and your schedule.
Usual Price: $12,000 plus GST.
Covid 19 Price: $9,600 plus GST.
Offer expires May 1st, 2020
Now is a great time to be re-envisioning the future, and asking ourselves some big questions. What do we care most about? How would we like our life/work/world to be different? What should we be hanging on to right now? What do we need to let go of? How do we rebuild our economy and our lifestyle in harmony with the environment?
We would love to support you on this journey. Please feel free to call me.
Robyn Wynne-Lewis
027 443 1129